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Ice Plants

Q.Fire Spinner Ice Plant

Zone 11561 | irene.teresa added on June 2, 2018 | Answered

I just received a shipment of Fire Spinner Ice Plants. Pretty much as soon as they were unwrapped from their protective plastic and cardboard wrapping and moistened slightly, the stems got very brittle and woody-looking. Could they have gone into shock or been dormant and died back? I put them in the ground and cut the brittle stems down, I can only hope the potted part put in the ground is healthy and cutting it will promote new growth. Thoughts on what would cause this plants sprigs to get brittle and woody?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 3, 2018

From this image, your new plant looks in pretty tough shape. I would contact the seller to report the condition on arrival.

My guess is the plant got to hot in transport.

I would ask for a replacement.


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