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Fir Trees

Q.Fir trees browning from bottom up

Zone Ireland | Auds112 added on April 15, 2015 | Answered

I have two small fir trees, about 3 feet high. They are browning from the bottom up. One base about 8 inches of browning, the other is almost 1.5 foot brown. The top halves are fine. Is there anything I can do to repair them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 16, 2015

It could be attributed to any number of things but yes, there are measures you can take to help your tree.

Winter injury - strong possibility especially since we are coming off of the winter months:

A needle blight or needle casting disease:

An insect infestation (look for signs of insects): Pests such as mites, aphids, etc. can damage the tree. If you do have an insect and identify it, do a search on our website for that specific insect and you will find an article with treatment options.

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