Q.grafting a Gloire de Dijon cl rose
In my extensive search for a Gloire de Dijon cl rose, I have learned that she is hardiest if grown on grafted stock rather than own roots. My problem, I can’t find a source for a grafted rose, so am wanting to send a cutting to someone who grafts roses for others. Can you help me find a source?
Robin Meyer-Tate
Here is a link to a nursery that used to have the rose you are seeking ; http://www.greenmantlenursery.com/roses2008/roselist2008.htm I am not certain they are still in business but hopefully they are. Also my Rosarian friend named Bill DeVor works for Greenheart Farms and does the grafting of roses for fellow Rosarians. Just tell him that Stan The Rose Man from Colorado sent you to him, here is his email address for you: Bill@greenheartfarms.com . Best of luck to you with your special rose.