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Fig Tree

Q.Figs not ripening: please identify the species

Zone Trichur | anandjose2000 added on December 3, 2015 | Answered

The fig tree must be almost 9 years old. Every year it yields lots of figs, as you see in the pic. But none of them ripen. Last month I got one fig which was ripened. It was really sweet. Can anyone figure out what is the issue or any other actions that I must take?

Thank you in advance. I’ve tried to attach the photo but it was not working, so I’ve given the link below of fig tree in my home, climate information is as below.

http://imgur.com/a/xl9SW (please check this link for photo, don’t know why image won’t upload)

“The climate here is tropical. Ernakulam has significant rainfall most months, with a short dry season. According to Köppen and Geiger, this climate is classified as Am. The average annual temperature is 27.3 °C in Ernakulam. The average annual rainfall is 3289 mm.”

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