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Fig Tree

Q.Fig trees not bearing fruit

Zone Santa Rosa, CA | wendylalanne6509@gmail.com added on May 28, 2016 | Answered

I have a 20+’ large fig tree which has always produced two crops a year, one in June and one in Sept/October. I also have two small 6′ fig trees which produce yearly. This year there is no crop on any of the trees. I live in Northern California (Sonoma County) and we have had plenty of rain this year as opposed to the last few years. Can you give me some idea as to why my trees are not producing figs?

Many thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2016

You may want to have a soil test done to check the Nitrogen levels in your soil.
Excess nitrogen may be inhibiting fig growth.


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