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Fig Tree

Q.Fig Trees

jen_j added on January 27, 2014 | Answered

I have just moved into a house with a fig tree. I don’t know what kind of figs they are, and I don’t usually eat them, so wanted to know:

Do all figs turn purple (shade) when they are ripe?

As it has been very hot, I have watered the tree; however, most of the leaves have now fallen off.  Is this bad for the tree?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 27, 2014

Not all figs turn purple when they are ripe. But, if you give the figs a gentle squeeze and if there is some give, then they are ripe.

Losing leaves is not a good thing for the tree if it is not its dormant season. Since you said it was hot, then it is likely not its dormant season. But, the good news is that figs are pretty hardy and will regrow leaves if they lose them due to stress.

I would recommend increasing water to the tree for awhile. I am not sure where you live, so I can't give exact time frame or amount of water, but try increasing the water until you see some new leaf growth.

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