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Fig Tree

Q.Fig Tree

winterdawn added on September 15, 2011 | Answered

Would I be able to grow a fig tree from the fruit? And if so, how do I start it? I live in southern California.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 17, 2011

You can, but it can take significantly longer to get fruit from a tree grown from seed than from a cutting.
But, if you would like to still grow them from seed, after filling a container that has drainage holes with sterile seed-starting mix, sow the still-damp seeds on the surface of that mix. Press them lightly into it without covering them, top the container with plastic wrap and place it under a grow light or on a sunny windowsill. If kept at a temperature near 77 degrees Fahrenheit, the seeds should germinate within two weeks to three months.

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