Q.Fig tree
We had 2 big fig trees in our yard. Couple years ago one of them started to show some kind of fungal disease (I thought so). We treated both trees with fungicide, but one of them still died within 3 weeks branch after branch. The same happened to the other tree the next year, almost at the same time, in June – July, when the first figs started to ripe. It happened after our dry season began in Central Texas. Later, some of my rose bushes died, also my parsley. I noticed some white fungal looking patches along my raised garden wooden perimeter. We spayed yard with the few type of fungicides several times last year, didn’t work. Couple weeks ago I spotted another dying fig tree with the same problem few blocks from us. Please, help me to get rid of this problem, if you know what is that. Before fig trees died, the leaves turned yellow with brown spots, on dying branches. Thank you!

After some research I believe your Fig Trees may be afflicted with Sclerotium Blight.
This is a difficult fungus to treat and solarization of soil is the recommended treatment.
I've listed several articles and links for you to access the leaf and plant symptoms more closely.