Q.Fig Ripening
My fig tree is full of figs, which are not ripening. Usually by this time in the season we are eating figs and sharing figs with all our neighbors and friends. About a month ago (the usual time), we had a dozen pre-season figs ripen and not a one since then. Do you have any ideas why they may not be ripening? I’ve had this tree for several years and it has produced more and better figs each year. It has the most this year of ever . . . and they aren’t turning ripe.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are many reasons this could be happening, but the most likely either water stress or temperature stress. This summer has been the hottest on record for most of the US. This heat can cause the tree to stop the ripening process if this is true for your area. At the very least, I would increase watering to the tree and that should help.