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Fig Tree

Q.Fig plant

Anonymous added on December 6, 2014 | Answered

I live in Thailand where there is plenty of sunshine. Two years ago I planted a small fig plant in my garden. For a while the plant grew well with health green leaves and had some figs as well. But then, the leaves started turning brownish and fell off. For the past one year, the plant has about five sticks and no leaves. There are a couple of buds on the plant but never grow further and produce leaves. How can I improve the growth? Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 8, 2014

If it is brown spots, then this is fig rust - https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/figs-disease-rust.htm

If they turn brown completely, then it is likely a small pest attacking the plant. There are several it could be, including scale, aphids and mealybugs.

If you treat the plant with neem oil, it will correct both the pest issue and the rust. Here is more information on neem oil: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm

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Answered on December 7, 2014

The thing you need to do is identify what is causing the problem - then you can take steps to fix it. First consider the cultural requirements of fig, and if you are supplying these. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/how-to-grow-figs.htm
Then consider possible insects and disease: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/common-fig-tree-diseases.htm
Probably the most important thing would be to connect with some horticultural assistance in your area. Such people could analyze things like your soil (pH, presence of nematodes or fungus), and the appearance of leaves and/or branches that could indicate the source of the problem; they would also know about localized bugs/diseases, and treatments available where you live. You should be able to find help by calling the nearest botanical garden, or university with a horticultural department. In some areas, the government also offers such services.

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