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Fig Tree

Q.Fig Leaves

Zone Pace, FL Zone 8 | mmstuart added on July 12, 2016 | Answered

My fig tree is starting to yield some fruit. But a lot of the leaves are turning black at the edges and will eventually turn black through and through. They look like someone took a blow torch to the edges of the leaves.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 14, 2016

Is this a container planted tree or in the ground?
Black leaf tips can be caused by excess salts in the soil. Watering with conditioned water can cause this.
Over fertilizing can also be a cause of black leaves.

Examine the tree for any other signs of pest or disease. Use distilled water or leave tap water out on the counter for 48 hours before using for you tree.

Here are some links with more information.



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