Q.Fig Beetles
Hi There,
While googling about the harmless fig beetle flying about recently I came across your web site. Your information was informative till you recommended pesticides if they were bothersome. Pray tell … why pesticides since they are harmless and really not all that bothersome? In this day & age with bees “collapsing” and other human made follies with plants and animals why in the world would you make such an unnecessary recommendation?
Bob Hasselbrink
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Everyone has a different method of control. Personally, I like to deter pests. You shouldn't have to kill them if you would rather just deter them, right? There is always a way to deter pests without killing them. Sometimes all it takes is keeping them away in the first place. Using such natural solutions as: rosemary oil, garlic oil, neem oil, Black pepper suspension, coffee grounds ,Other plant based toxins, such as chrysanthemum leaf tea, and even Hot pepper extract, is a safe and ecologically friendly way to Keep pests away without harming the natural flow of things too badly. :)