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Ficus Trees

Q.pruning ficus lyrata into a tree

Anonymous added on September 15, 2015 | Answered

I have several that I have nurtured from the brink of death. I am trying to grow them into trees instead of a vine looking plant. How do I cut the trunk to make the trunk go from a single trunk to a “y” at the trunk to make it grow into a tree, not a tall viney bush? I have been feeding my plants and giving them plant hormornes. They are beautiful, green and really healthy. I have changed the staking method so that it partially supports them but I’m trying to make them grow stronger on their own. I have heard to cut just above the node. Is that just above where a leaf would be removed? Thanks so much. This is really tough to find out.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 18, 2015

Since the Ficus grow rapidly you will need to trim back often and follow the care information in the link below.

As the plant ages it will form thinker branches and you will be able to form a more tree like appearance.


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