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Ficus Trees

Q.Ficus benjamina yellow here and there

Zone Vermont | Davejoyal added on August 1, 2015 | Answered

Tree has been in full sun all summer. Tripled in size in the past couple months. Currently on its third large growth spurt. Lately, I’ve noticed a couple interior older leaves turn yellow and fall. Not a lot, just one every few days. Watering has not changed and it receives water when the top inch or two of soil have dried. Not just sips, but enough till it runs out the bottom. Never stands in water. Fertilized half strength every 3-4 weeks only during spring and summer. No pests. Just curious what would cause this. New growth blocking light to the interior? Sun has slightly shifted since June (it’s now August) and it gets about 8 hours of direct full strength sun but might have gotten a little more in the beginning of summer. Probably no cause for concern (considering I’ll expect a lot of leaves to fall when it comes inside for the fall). Figured I’d better be safe than sorry. I also rotate the tree even though it’s outdoors. This tree is like my pet, so it’s gets a lot of attention. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 2, 2015

This is a very healthy looking ficus benjamina! A few yellow leaves here and there is completely normal and is not a cause for concern.

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