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Q.Fibrous mat of invasive root system

Zone Temperate inland lower North island NZ | lizvankes added on October 3, 2015 | Answered

We have recently shifted to a new home …it is now spring and I have started to tackle the garden. Under and surrounding a dark red blossom tree and a large evergreen tree… I would judge to be of considerable age (I suspect it was once a shrub), there is an invasive thick mat of FINE fibrous roots completely covering a wide area with very little growing there. No weeds, no worms and what is there is weak and sickly and will need to be removed. The ground is very spongy to walk on. What to do about it is the question. I can’t garden the area and if I build up with extra soil/compost I am only feeding the problem. Hope you can help,

Liz vK

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Answered on October 5, 2015
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