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Q.fertilizing bromeliad

Zone Temperate, New Yor City | blanche9g added on March 8, 2015 | Answered

The text states to fertilize with half strength liquid fertilizer but does not say where. In the cup or in the soil? I bought a very small bromeliad that came with a double wall small pot, which apparently gets filled with water within the walls and the plant absorbs the water as it needs it. Is it so? My local Brooklyn Botanical Garden gave me your web site and I am delighted with it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 8, 2015

Thank you so much for visiting Gardening Know How!

I agree, it's a valuable source of information, and we are all gardeners!

I am a fan of bromeliads, they are a wonderful plant.

Fertilize the plant with half strength liquid fertilizer once a month, this should be watered into the soil. A small amount of water should be in the "cup", and I like to dump it and add fresh every week. The double pot acts as an humidifier for your plant. You also can place the pot on a tray of pebbles with water.

Here is a great link that has more information for you.


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