Q.Fertilizing and splitting Running Bamboo tree that is potted.Is it safe to fertilize my potted Running Bamboo tree with steer manure
in July, then splitting the plant in half during September? Close timing, but it’s pot-bound in a 20 gallon pot. Should I no t fertilize until spring, after splitting in fall? Thank you so much, in advance. Is it safe to fertilize my potted Running Bamboo tree with steer manure in July, then splitting the plant in half during September? Close timing, but it’s pot-bound in a 20 gallon pot.
Should I not fertilize until spring, after splitting in fall?
Thank you so much, in advance.
For season-long feeding, simply spread a 1- to 2-inch layer of compost around your bamboo plants in spring. A second application can be made in early summer. Not only will the compost feed your soil and plants, it will also help to retain moisture in the soil.