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Zone henderson nevada | harry12 added on May 6, 2017 | Answered

it says 2 table spoon of 20 20 20 fertilizer to one gallon of water, ( I’m talking generally )
but it does not say how much of the one gallon of water to poor in lets say an orange tree growing in a pot. do I use the 1 gallon of fertilized water for each pot or how do I break it down.
my confusion is about how much fertilizer to use for each plant in a pot.
i do pot planting because the weather in Las Vegas is awe full ( lots of winds lots of heat in summer time) in summer the plants look like they are thirsty but when I check the soil it is wet about 1 inch below surface and under.
I hope this is not too confusing.

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Answered on May 9, 2017
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