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Roma Tomato Plants

Q.Fertilizer and Plant Food Help

gardengirl1 added on April 25, 2011 | Answered

Hi, this is my first garden. Help!! Should I fertilize or feed the plants? If so, what is a good plant food or fertilizer to use? How often do you use them? I listed below what I am growing:

Tomatoes-Sweet 100, Roma, Celebrity
Peppers-Tobasco, Yellow bell, Purple bell, Pimento
Other-Corn, Potatoes, Onions, Carrots, Black eyed peas

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2011

If you started out with good, amended soil, you do not need to fertilize. But, if you did not amend the soil before planting, you can give the plants some fertilizer. I would fertilize once right now with either some compost or some 10-10-10 fertilizer. If you use compost to fertilzie, you can add some more about once a month or so. If you use 10-10-10, fertilize again when the plants start to fruit and then you don't need to use it anymore.

For next year, this article will help with amending the soil:

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