I have my mothers old fashion (lacy) fern and it is beginning to turn yellow. Please help! I just recently rooted it from another one my neice had. I have it in good soil and in a clay pot. It is on my teacart in the shade of my front porch. What am I doing wrong?

I assume you meant that you divided the fern.
Start by watering your plant the day before you begin. Then, dig it up or gently remove it from its container, and cut or pull the plant into 2 or 3 clumps. Leave at least one growing tip—the spot from which the fronds grow—in each clump.
Re-plant the clumps in well-draining, humus-rich soil and keep them moist until new growth appears.
The yellowing leaves is likely watering issues; either too much or too little.
The young division is likely stressed.
Make sure the soil is evenly moist.