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Clematis Plants

Q.Fence climbers

Zone 61201 | Bbg added on March 17, 2018 | Answered

I’m in zone 4-5 in Illinois. I’d like to hide an ugly fence with a climbing flowering plant but I don’t want to have to cut it back year after year. I’d like for it to just grow and cover the fence.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 17, 2018

Look into Clematis virginiana, aka Virgin's bower. (avoid the invasive sweet autumn clematis, Clematis ternifolia). Other climbers, like climbing hydrangea, need pruning to keep in check once it has reached the size you desire. If allowed to grow on, they can become a nice groundcover. Here is a run down on common vines. I must mention that English ivy is horribly invasive and will gladly take over your property, trees and all if not kept in check. http://extension.illinois.edu/vines/perennials.cfm

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