Q.Feed program for newly planted floribunda roses
I am going to plant 24 Floribunda roses (bare rooted) in November. I have read your excellent advice but am a bit confused about advice on the use of Kelp Meal. You say “I only give the roses this once per growing season. Usually, at the July feeding. However, under the heading “When to Fertilize Roses” you have said “Approximately a week after the first spring feeding I will give each of my rosebushes some Epsom salts and some Kelp Meal” Can you see my problem; your statements about “Kelp Meal” are contradictory, sorry. I want to get it right.
First, should I follow your advice for my “newly planted roses” in November? This is what I intended on doing:
1. Plant roses.
2. in late spring, give the Dry Mix Rose Fertilizer (we use Toprose in UK. Is this OK?)
4. a week after that give Epsom Salts and Alfalfa Meal
5. fortnightly until end of June spray with Miracle Gro Multi Purpose Fertilizer
6. at end of June, give Alfalfa meal again and Kelp Meal (so this will be once per growing season for kelp and twice for Alfalfa)
7. then repeat steps 1 to 6 each late spring thereafter.
Will I be getting it right? Your advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.

The articles are not really contradicting one another. I do give my established rosebushes Kelp Meal at least once per year/season. The new plantings actually do get it twice be growing season. They get some at time of planting and then again about now (August or late July) here in Colorado, USA. If I were to plant a rosebush now (August) it would only get kelp meal once this growing season due to the late planting. That all being said, your intended program sounds excellent! The dates given for planting in your post must be off though as those dates are past dates now and I assume you are looking at both 2016 and 2017 instead. The Toprose fertilizer looks good with an NPK rating of 5-6-12 plus magnesium and iron. Be sure to follow the label directions for proper application. Enjoy your roses! :-)
Stan The Rose Man
Consulting Rosarian