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Persimmon Trees

Q.Falling Fruit

Zone New Braunfels, TX; Zone 8b | Trevor Carnegie added on June 14, 2016 | Answered

I have 5 persimmon trees:

3 Fuyu (one 4-yrs. and two 2-yrs. old)
1 Tanenashi (one 1-yr. old)
1 Eureka (4-Yrs. old)

Except for the Tanenashi, they all bloomed and set fruit this year. The 4-yr. old Fuyu has bloomed and set fruit each year but most fell off. The 2nd year it held 2 fruit. The 3rd year it bloomed profusely and set most all but one fell off. This year it did the same thing and every last one fell. The 2-year olds are still very small. This year they bloomed and set one tree seems to be holding 2 but the second tree has dropped all fruit. The Eureka has held fruit every year I have had it and each year it holds progressively more fruit, although it also drops fruit. What might the problem be? All trees seem very healthy, especially the 4 yr. Fuyu which has extraordinary growth.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 15, 2016

Premature fruit drop is likely due to water stress and or pollination issues.
Too much nitrogen in the soil can also cause premature fruit drop.
A soil test can help you determine the amount of nitrogen in your soil.

Here is an article to refresh you on the care requirements.


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