Q.exposure to 10 degree temps for 9 hours
I had my hibiscus tree inside my 4 seasons room. It was doing very well. The room has a heating vent in it. My front door was left open for about 9 hours and it was 10 degrees. All the leaves have drooped like it is dying. Please help me to save this tree because it was given to me by my brother about 8 years ago and he died. I have kept it alive all this time and it will break my heart if it dies too.
It is a braided tree with 3 or 4 plants and the top is rounded. The flowers are double, large blooms and 2 different colors. Is there anything I can do? I moved from Georgia to Illinois 15 months ago, and it has been doing great until last night. Please help me.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article may help you with getting them to recover: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/tips-for-saving-cold-damaged-plants.htm