Q.Excessive Pine Needle Drop Last 8 Weeks On Old, Tall Trees
Hi The very old, tall pine trees all down our drive have been dropping needles massively these last 8 weeks or so. Literally the drive is covered with yellowy brown needles every day- 2 or 3 barrows full every couple of days! I know it’s been dry this last 3-4 weeks, but this started before that, and it rained loads in Feb and March. Do u think it is lack of water, or some disease? Never been like this other years, usually just brush up a small amount every few days. This last couple of months the drive is constantly covered. Help!!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This does sound like an issue with drying out, but there are several things that could be causing the issue. This article will help:
These are other possible issues: