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Black Walnut Trees

Q.excavation covered tree trunk

Zone 54628 | cmorel9@comcast.net added on October 26, 2019 | Answered

4-5 yrs ago excavation covered one side of a 24″ black walnut, to a depth of 18″.

What should I do to save the tree?

Am currently planning on digging it out and try and protect with retaining wall.

Is there a spackle type material that I can put over the damaged bark that has been buried?

Thanks Charles

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 28, 2019

4 or 5 years is a very long time to be covered. Unfortunately, any damage done will be far too progressed by now to do much about.

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through, so I can't assess the damage to the tree. Uncovering the tree and leaving it to cure and heal off will be the best bet, though. Covering with anything else after uncovering it could lead to an infection. Letting it heal off will let it build back a hard layer of protection, so long as any damage done is not too far progressed into the tree.

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