Q.Excavating Ponytail Pups from Mother
How to exactly excavate ponytail palm pups without hurting the mother plant? Do I actually cut into the mother plant and around the pup perimeter? I don’t want to kill the mother! A video would be so helpful. I have a pup that is getting squished into another palm and it needs to come off. Is it too late past spring to remove and transplant? Do I need rooting powder? Please help : )
Thank you

You won't kill the mother plant, don't worry. You'll want to cut around the pup, and the trunk of the mother plant may suffer one or two scrapes but should be fine. Spring IS the best time to separate Ponytail pups from the mother, but if you don't think the one that's getting squished will make it successfully through the winter, I would separate it sooner rather than later. This article will walk you through how: