Q.Evergreen tree
Hi! I repotted an evergreen tree couple of months ago. At the time it was shedding its pines and I checked online found that if the buds were green it was alive. When it had more or less completely shed its leaves it began to grow new leaves. I stupidly moved it from part sun to full sun thinking it would grow faster. But, it appears to have stopped showing any more new growth down its trunk. The top and a bit of a side are still growing. I check the remaining buds and to my dismay they are no longer green inside but the branch has a little, not much. I have moved it back to its original spot.
I have had this small tree which is not a traditional Christmas tree, but was bought in store as a small decorated Christmas tree about 4 years ago.
Will the other branches ever grow green again? :((

Sadly, if the branches are dead; if they break and snap off, they have died and no new needles will grow from these branches.
Here are some links that may help you with care information.