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Q.Euphorbia Canariensis. Remove Full Stem Completely – Okay. Why Is It Happening Though? Prevention? Education…

Zone 91506 Burbank Los Angeles | Avidmigda added on July 3, 2023 | Answered

I will take your wisdom of course and begin the process of removing both these stems and solarizing the soil. Do we know why this happens? Is this just a specific weak plant I bought OR some other reason why we cannot rehabilitate. Is there any prevention at all to avoid it coming to this? Can one look at a plant in store and know – this guy may be weak and prone to issues, Just avoid it. For the record. Had the wind not knocked these guys over 8 months ago, none of this would have began. That is what is most frustrating. The full element of easy avoidance that ‘could’ have been. I know some plants are hard to grow but the route this issue took to become a problem and it’s unstoppable nature once this issue begins – I have just never encountered something that could not be fixed no matter what before. Usually all problems have solutions. My sincere thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 4, 2023

Disease can be prevalent, no matter what, sometimes. There is no, good, explanation. Other than too much human activity in an area introducing plant diseases, some of which are incurable. To know the EXACT disease will require looking under the microscope, in this case. If you happen to have one handy, as I do, then you could provide pictures of the disease and spores under the 'scope, which could help me to identify the, exact, issue at hand. Otherwise, your local extension service can do this for you.

As far as prevention goes... Good cultural practice, proper care, and making sure that the roots do not receive much damage will be your, only, prevention methods.

Unfortunately, there are many diseases that cannot be cured among plants, such as Fusarium wilt and Late Blight. Many times, this means removal and cleanup to prevent spread.

Choosing a different, and less prone species, will be the next steps after treatment. This can require knowing the, exact, disease to know of plants that are resistant to it.

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