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Eucalyptus Tree

Q.Eucalyptus dying

nigel d added on April 3, 2017 | Answered

I have a snow gum which produces a mass of white blossom in the summer – hence ‘snow’. It is now about 25 years old and about 30 feet high. I bought it because it does not grow too tall.

How tall should it grow to?
Does it have a finite lifespan?

This winter (not especially cold) all the leaves have suddenly turned a rusty-red colour instead of the normal silver/green. They have, by and large, remained on the tree and the bark looks healthy. I assume the tree is dead. I assume that it has a fungal infection – there are no other eucalypts in the vicinity. Is there no hope of a recovery?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 5, 2017

My research shows that 30 feet is the maximum height for this tree.
From your description it very much does sound like a Phytophthora fungus.
You can check with your County Extension Office to see if they have any other reports of this issue with other trees in your region.


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