I would like to know why your website gives gardeners tips on the care of eucalptis without acknowledging that this tree is highly flammable, highly invasive and difficult to eradicate. In California, millions of these trees create a greater risk of wildfire than trees and shrubs native to California. We can see the results in Pacific Pallisades of planting a tree that explodes when exposed to fire sending burning embers in all directions. See Sierra Club for further information. A tree presents an opportunity to create habitat and support biodiversity one garden at a time. Isn’t it time to consider selecting native trees adapted to American soil & climate which support the greatest biodiversity of species ahead of non-native novelties?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
We cater information for anyone around the world. We can't provide information to California, alone. In many parts of the world, and even in the US, it is not invasive and can be difficult to grow. To be fair to everyone, we must be able to provide information on the plants and trees. Any plant has the capability to become invasive outside of its native area, and sometimes even in native areas when humans take out species that would normally keep them in check.
Still. We must think of gardeners in parts of the world where this tree is perfectly suited. As well, this article does go over the flammability of the tree.