Q.Empress Peach (genetic dwarf)
Live in MA…Planted tree in a pot earlier this spring. I’m seeing ANTS and eaten leaves. Not sure what to do. Also, do I bring in the tree for winter or leave outside? Sorry, VERY NEW to this and I can’t find the info I need in the research and reading I’ve done.

The ants are likely attracted to Honeydew, or the secretions of other pests on your tree.
Treat the tree with Neem Oil.
You will need to winter over your Peach Tree in a place that it will receive cold temperatures below 45 degrees F and just above 32 degrees F.
These temperatures will need to be consistent, as Peach Trees need 500 hours of chill time.
A garage or shed can work for your tree. I would add some insulating material around your pot, since your tree is still quite small.