To prevent this from happening again, there are 2 approaches. One is to create shade when temps are above normal and the sun is shining and hope this keeps the soil cool enough to suppress growth. The other option is to cover the emerging tulips with a folded bedsheet or double layer of row cover to protect them from freezing. However, this latter method doesn't work when temps are as low as projected for this week. If you have tulips that are early bloomers, their internal clock may go off no matter what you do. If freaky weather continues in future years, you may want to look into tulips with mid or late spring bloom times.
I apologize for not responding to this part of your question with my original answer.
Now that Michigan is back in frigid temps, the foliage tips will yellow. Only the portion that is above ground will be unaffected. In spring, you can trim these tips off if you think they are unsightly. If the flower bud has not emerged, it will be fine. The cold will stop any further growth, for now.