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Q.Emeral Green Arborvitae

Zone Effingham Il 62401 | Lori F Rutledge added on June 18, 2017 | Answered

Planted 14 6’0″ trees approximately a month ago.
Have been watering daily and used -1- bag of the recommended garden soil and -1- Jobes Evergreen Tree and shrub fertilizer stakes per tree when planting.

Have several that are getting brown spots
Have -1- that has one side that has turned light brown and is drooping.

What are we doing wrong
Give each tree 14qt bucket of water daily except for days with heavy rain.
We are in Illinois Central

Should would give them some type fertilizer?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 21, 2017

Arborvitae shrubs or trees require a deep, thorough watering immediately after planting to settle soil around the roots and remove air pockets. For the first year following transplant, arborvitae typically require weekly soaking in the form of rain or supplemental irrigation. Arborvitae planted in sandy soils or containers may require more frequent watering, especially when conditions are hot and dry. Applying water in the form of a slow trickle that penetrates the ground and soaks the entire root mass is crucial.

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