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Q.Eliminating Purslane Weed

Zone Bloomfield NY 14469 Zone 5 | Anonymous added on June 23, 2023 | Answered

We have purslane growing in our garden. I spent 4 hours pulling out as much as I could even the tiniest ones I could see. However, I was wondering if those that grow around the perimeter of the garden can be killed off with a blow torch. Last year we covered half of the garden with black plastic but it’s still coming up this year, just not quite as much…yet. I appreciate your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 24, 2023

Here is info about purslane control and flame weeding. It can work if you can keep from burning desirable plants, too. It's great for weeds between pavers, concrete, etc.



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