Q.Elephant Plant (Indoor) Getting Too Tall
I’ve been searching and searching online and cannot seem to find the answer to my question. I have a beautiful Elephant (Colocasia) plant. but as I remove the dead leaves, the stem/stalk/corm (not sure what it’s called) keeps getting taller and taller. My question is, can I cut the main stem/stalk/corm and will the plant regrow shorter and fatter? I’ve included 2 images and circled the part I would like to cut back. But before I take this drastic move I’d like any pointers/feedback on how it will effect the plant and if it will do what I hope. I’ve also include an image of what the plant looked like when I first purchased it – this is what I’d like it to go back to if possible.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This will happen as they grow, but you may need to address why you have to cut off leaves. It could be that there is a lack of nutrients in the soil, or that the pH is a bit off.
I am seeing signs of overwatering, as well. Make sure that the soil gets a chance to dry out between waterings, but make sure to remove all extra water out of the container after watering, as well. Remaining wet for too long can cause rot issues.
Spraying the plant for extra humidity can help, as well.
I would make sure to move that to a larger container. This has outgrown the pot. Here is an article that will help you to transplant:
This article will help you with the care of the plant:
Thank you for taking the time to help. I water it once a week (fertilize every 2 weeks) and let the soil dry out between watering's - we also have a high-end whole-house humidifier that runs all winter, so humidity isn't the issue. I also repotted it 2 years ago right after I bought it. so I doubt it needs repotting already, but I'll try that if I can't get it back to it's glory.
You asked why I kept cutting off the leaves. they keep breaking (I've taken a picture of one that just broke again yesterday). The stems and leaves seem to be longer than usual and maybe they don't seem to be able to support the weight of the leaf.
regardless of this, I really wanted to know what would happen to the plant if I cut the main stalk? would it grow offshoots from the main bulb/corm after some time? I hope you can help me clear this up.