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Elephant Ear Plants

Q.Elephant ear plant

Zone 21830 | Anonymous added on February 24, 2019 | Answered

I have my elephant ear plant in a large pot inside. Have had it for many years.The roots have over run the pot and are running everywhere. Can roots be cut back, and if so how much without harming plant? Please reply to skycapt59@yahoo.com

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 25, 2019

Your plant must be quite a sight. It sounds like it is reproducing and you can start new plants with some of these stolons (look like roots). The other possibility is that your pot is too small. You should go up in size by 2" every year or two. If you don't want the plant to get larger, you should divide it so it won't be pot bound. Remove the entire plant onto a tarp. Wear gloves since the sap may cause skin irritation. Disinfect a sharp knife and divide the clump. Pot them up for friends or compost them. If you don't have a compost pile then add extras to the trash. Don't just throw them out as they are becoming invasive in parts of zones 8-10. I wouldn't simply remove the wandering roots. The plant is telling you that its pot is too small. These articles go into more detail.

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