Q.Elephant Ear Growing too Early
I live in zone 6 and we have had some warmer days, and my elephant ears were starting to grow while in storage (they were stored in peat moss and in a Rubbermaid container), so I planted them back into the pot about a week ago and started to give them a little water. They did wonderful last year in these pots and the types are Colossal and Midnight variations. Problem is the weather is going up and down and I don’t want to lose them. I set them outside on warmer days and keep them in the heated garage on the cooler days. I know it was kinda early to plant, but there is about 12 inches of white growth that has sprung up. I figured they were ready to go. What are your suggestions to make sure they survive the next couple of weeks until the 60 degree days start? And should I not water them anymore?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They only need to be watered when the soil is dry and do not require as much during cooler conditions as oppsed to warmer ones (which allows the soil to dry quicker). If there is white growth, this is likely mold popping up, which basically means that it is too wet. Back off on the watering. Once the temps warm back up, you can resume your regular watering schedule.