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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Elderberry Peach Tree

Anonymous added on May 29, 2015 | Answered

Southwest Idaho region: alkali content is a little high here, also clay below surface 1 foot to about 18″ to 2 foot. I prepared the soil with garden mulch certified weed free and then planted the tree to the root ball as recommended by the vendor. The water ring is 30″ in diameter and about 4″ in depth and I water it about every 2 days. It is about 7 feet tall with a good established root system. I have used Miracle Grow on it and done this mixture 1 time so far last night because my tree leaves are starting to curl and turn yellow. It has also been sprayed with malathion.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 31, 2015

I suspect that your peach tree has peach tree leaf curl, which is a common affliction of peach trees. Given that peach tree leaf curl is a fungal disease, an insecticide spray such as malathion would not be effective. For more information on peach tree leaf curl and a course of treatment, please visit the following link:


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