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Eggplant Plants


Zone spokane, 99205 | oj Cotes added on July 27, 2017 | Answered

Should I thin the smaller eggplant fruit? I have quite large number of small ones (much like tomatoes.)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2017

There are many different varieties of Eggplants, some small types and larger.
Verify the type you are growing.
Most gardeners will not want to thin the fruit.

Eggplants are prone to falling over when loaded with fruit, so you may want to tie plants to stakes to keep them upright. If you drive a stake into the ground just an inch or two from the plant at the time of planting, you won’t disturb the plant by trying to do it later. You can also use small tomato cages to support the plants.

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