Q.Eggplant dying
I am having 2 out of 3 eggplant (Black Beauty) plants mysteriously dying on me. All are in a row and one is happy and healthy. All about 2.5′ tall. I noticed the other day a lot of really small black ants on the plants and fruit. I’ve grown these every year for awhile with no problems other than a few ants in fruit. Always rotating the garden. Anyway, there’s a lot of small light brown seed or egg looking things (size of a pinhead) on these 2 (stuck to fruit, flowers and leaves) so I’m suspecting insects. Not stink bug eggs in clusters but evenly distributed all over. Any ideas? Thank you, zeke
It's difficult to say with just a description.
Most pests can be treated with Neem Oil.
Neem Oil is organic and safe for people, pets and Bees.
Here are some links with more information.