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Eggplant Plants

Q.Eggplant dying

Zone 27976 | Z71b80 added on July 13, 2016 | Answered

I am having 2 out of 3 eggplant (Black Beauty) plants mysteriously dying on me. All are in a row and one is happy and healthy. All about 2.5′ tall. I noticed the other day a lot of really small black ants on the plants and fruit. I’ve grown these every year for awhile with no problems other than a few ants in fruit. Always rotating the garden. Anyway, there’s a lot of small light brown seed or egg looking things (size of a pinhead) on these 2 (stuck to fruit, flowers and leaves) so I’m suspecting insects. Not stink bug eggs in clusters but evenly distributed all over. Any ideas? Thank you, zeke

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 14, 2016

It's difficult to say with just a description.
Most pests can be treated with Neem Oil.
Neem Oil is organic and safe for people, pets and Bees.

Here are some links with more information.


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