Q.Easter Lillies.
In your info about Easter Lillies being divided you mention bulblets. Not sure if that’s what I see at the bottom of my Lilly. Are the bubblets a light green wart looking thing kind of all around at the bottom of the main stem? Are these what I dig up and replant or do I wait ’til they are larger. The plant has been in the ground outside for almost a year. I cut the stems back to 6″ and they are brown and falling off the plant. Let me know about digging the bulblets now or waiting and how to plant them when it’s time or not doing anything. Thanks so much.
Cil D.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, these are the new starting bulbs. I would wait until they start to die off. Then you can dig them up. Here is an article for more information on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/lily/planting-easter-lily-outside.htm