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Houseplant Pest Control


Emma Skinner added on July 17, 2012 | Answered

I have recently moved onto a new estate (where they are still building). Over the last couple of months, I have had a lot of earwigs at the front/back doors, they are also coming into the house. I have found them all over the house (lounge/kitchen/stairs/bedrooms/bathrooms), which is starting to make me itch. How can I stop them? My neighbour’s have got them in their sheds as well.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 17, 2012

Earwigs also need damp areas to survive. You can set up earwig traps by rolling up a section of newspaper and wetting it down slightly. Place the damp newspaper roll into one of your problem areas and leave it there overnight. The earwigs will crawl into the newspaper and in the morning, you can dispose of it by burning, dousing it with boiling water or immersing it in a solution of water and bleach. You can also try pesticides as a last resort.

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