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Crabapple Trees

Q.early leaf dropping on crabapple tree

Anonymous added on November 18, 2014 | Answered

I have a Prairie Fire crabapple tree that is 10 years old and approx. 15 ft tall. The tree is next to our deck and swimming pool. The tree drops its leaves early in the summer until fall. The dropping of the leaves are bothersome in the summer by blowing into the pool. The leaves are discolored and looks to have a fungus problem. Is there a systemic solution I can pour around the trunk so the tree can pull the solution up in to the tree structure and help the infected leaves for next year’s growth?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 18, 2014

You can try neem oil, but I would also recommend trying to get the neem oil onto the branches as much as you can as well as into the soil, to help clear out any fungus living on the outside of the bare branches. Neem oil is people and pet safe, so overspray will not hurt anything.

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