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Dymondia Grass

Q.Dymondia watering

Zone 91360 | ecraven added on September 10, 2016 | Answered

Four weeks ago, I put in an approx 10×12 section of dymondia to replace part of my front lawn. I watered it (broadcast sprinklers) for 2 minutes, 3 times per day, every day for 3 weeks, then cut back to twice per day. I understand from your dymondia article that it takes 6 months to get it established. How long should I stay on this schedule? What watering schedule do you recommend I use for the next 5 months?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 11, 2016

Now that the plants have been in for a month, switch to watering less frequently while make sure the soil is moistened more deeply. This will make sure the plants' roots are encouraged to grow deeper into the soil. After watering, simply push your finger into the soil to make sure the soil is moistened several inches down. You can reduce watering to every other day, then once a week. You can reduce the water the plants get if it rains, and increase it if they start looking wilted. See this article for more:


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