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Hyacinth Plant

Q.dying pine tree

Zone sheboygan wi, 53081 | thogersenc added on June 12, 2016 | Answered

My white pine is losing and dropping green needles. It was very late in producing new candles and then they were very small and not growing (one half inch). Others in yard same age with candles 5″ long. It appears to be losing more needles at the top of the tree. Is this a disease?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 13, 2016

There can be many reasons for needle loss, including natural aging, environmental, disease and pests.
Look for more signs to help narrow and pinpoint the cause.
The link below will help you.

This link will help you pinpoint the possible cause.

I would also encourage you to contact your local County Extension Office. They may have more information on if any regional pests and disease concerns.
Here is a link to locate your nearest office.


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