Q.Dying Ornamental Cherry Blossom Tree
This tree is subject to constant mist/vapour spray 6 days a week 8.30 am to 5.30 pm from a power car wash operating less than 10 feet away from it. This car wash has been operating for last two years. The trunk and branches are split on the spray side, not on the house side. The leaves haven’t fallen in last winter. Can’t see any new buds. Leaves look as though they are dying.
My question is who can I send samples of the tree to for analysis to see if the toxic contaminated dirty water from the vapour generated by the power sprayers is the cause of this tree’s demise. This mist/vapour consists of Traffic Film Remover chemicals, the dirt and soil which collects on cars, unburnt fuels, soot and coke, vanadium, sulphur, iron, fuel additives, brake dust, tar, more oil, grease, bitumen and cement dust.
Are you able to help?
Kind regards

This would be a tough environment for any tree.
This article will help you review the care needed.