Q.Dying Of Hibiscus Leaves By Some Insects
One hibiscus plant faced the same fate before. When it was uprooted, some insects were found on the roots. Now the other hibiscus plant is showing the same symptoms. What can I do to prevent it from dying.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. It will be hard to say without seeing the damage.
Usually, there should be some insect life present near roots. If there seem to be too many, or they appear to be maggots, or other nasty creatures, than the plant may be over watered.
I would make sure to treat the soil with a natural, or natural systemic insecticide. This will ensure that there is nothing harmful eating your roots.
These articles will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/what-are-organic-pesticides.htm