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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Dying Japanese maple

Anonymous added on August 11, 2015 | Answered

I know almost nothing about gardening. I noticed today that the leaves on one of my two Japanese maples either have brown spots on them or have holes in them. Some leaves are so full of holes, they are almost lace-like. We don’t have the money to hire an arborist but I will be devastated if my Japanese maples die. Any ideas as to what it could be? I’ve looked all over but haven’t found anything that describes what is happening to my tree. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 13, 2015

Treat the tree with Neem OIl. This works as both an insecticide and fungicide and is available at garden centers and most stores that have a garden department.
Remove any dead material and dispose of.
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