Q.Dying Indoor Palm Tree
I read that palm trees like partial shade so decided to experiment. Wish I didn’t ! I’ve had my banana plant growing indoor by south / window for about 2 years now and it has been growing okay. On 14th we moved plant to partial shade After it was moved it started to decline. About 5 days ago I moved it back to sun/ south where it was previously. Also read that it needs partly sandy mulchy soil so changed up from potting soil to sandy/mulchy for better drainage. When was reporting – realized all plant needed was water. It was too dry. Replanted and chopped 3 babies off since they’ve been there for months and didn’t show any growth in height. Roots were quite chunky and large Since about 7 days ago I’ve cut about 5 large leafs as they got very yellow and droopy. New leaf thats pointing at top – been there for about two weeks now and hasn’t opened and doesn’t look like it’s planning to open/ grow. Tree looks frozen in time and leafs are slowly going. What would you do? Any chance to save it at all? Did I cut too many leaves and babies off at once? Any advice would be super duper appreciated. I honestly don’t even know whom else to call and doing nothing isn’t an option. Don’t want to give up on it!!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Banana trees technically aren't a palm. Yours may be suffering from transplant shock right now. It should settle down. Here are care tips that should help: